
True, I mistook you for capable of carrying on an adult conversation. Unfortunately, there's no special accommodation here allowing for effective communication with stupid trolls, so you'll just have to remain at a disadvantage.

Name calling works a lot better when you've also articulated a point. And 'straw man' doesn't mean what you think it does.

no, I'm arguing with an idiot. A law is meaningless without an interpretation, and what you cut and pasted doesn't qualify what it meant by "effective communication."

Effective communication relates to usability of facilities - like signage with symbols and braile (sp?) instead of words. It's not meant to require artistic interpretation of artistic content.

"The festivals that I work with have really adopted the idea that they want every fan to have the same experience." Then they need to start mandating earplugs, Harrison Bergeron. Equal access means physical access. After that, any efforts to provide an approximation of the entertainment is nice, but not compulsory.

self-defense is an affirmative *defense* to the crimes of murder and assault. In order for a jury to decide if the defense is reasonable, a trial has to take place, and for a trial to take place an arrest needs to happen. So yes, when someone gets fucking shot to death, an arrest needs to occur, even if it's pretty

He's Gone by the Grateful Dead about Pigpen. Better than anything on this list. Jeebus.