A bout de souffle

Actually, every sound effect in every movie…THAT'S how much work goes into them.

The little criterion essay in the DVD has a response to the spiritual and beautiful readings of the film: "Bresson's lucidity sees the death differently, as the prolonged expiry of an old, abused animal, to wounded to bray, too exhausted to do anything but collapse to the earth, his value depleted."  Both work, but

We wouldn't 'have to' do those things.  We would get to.

Jessica Chastain is an enormously attractive woman.  Which I wish she weren't, since a viewing of 'Tree of Life' has made me equate her with:

The fall-in-love stories that get me every time are 'Wall-E' 'Let the Right One In' and 'Two for the Road'.

I'm one of those cheap $10,000 directors, and on our species’ behalf I apologize to you.  We are a callous kind.

Does that DVD in the picture just say "Freeway"?  Looks exciting.

As an aspiring filmmaker, I like to watch famous directors' really early self-financed works in order to see what they did with tiny budgets.  But then I often find they are far too amazing and utterly impossible to aspire to…is 'Killers Kiss' crappy enough for me to learn from it, or will I just sink deep into self

And now I know!

This doesn't have much to do with these two episodes, but this just occurred to me and now I have to ask…  Why is the fire king the most powerful badass fire guy in his nation?  It's not like he was elected FOR his fire powers, he was just the son of the last king.  It would be like if the king of England was a muscle

Unstoppable march of progress
Long time listener, first time poster. Figure this is a good time to join the party.