Slim Charles shot first

Norm Macdonald says or does something. TV show pitched.

Great name/avatar.

Love the "Ken Burns" wipe that lingers on Annie's boobs [the anatomical ones], then slowly pans up to the face, both aesthetically and … uh … the other kind of aesthetically, I guess.

@avclub-36aae0fca8210f7e645dd3d3e70c9faf:disqus ….. and I just got this joke. My mind went right to cigarettes.

For some inexplicable reason, I assumed @avclub-2bc89f96d5af36cd7c598b934297491f:disqus meant Creed the band. Which, yes, is a pretty awful thing to look like. Or sound like.

Last year: Fat Jonah Hill.

Yeah, I didn't care much for it. It had all those character development things going for it, but they were thrown in too close to the end for it to fully hit home.

I haven't studied the whole Dan Harmon cycle thing as much as others, but I think this is the part where it gets very dark and sad.

Agreed. I choked up. [Prepare for gross overstatement I have no personal experience with]: This must be how frustrating it is to care for someone with a mental disorder. You're doing what's right for them, but they can't care as much or the same way you do.

In all fairness, you just admitted to watching "Melrose Place," so who else would date you?

@avclub-141f784f9d5f94e4b73e355ee69343ee:disqus so you're saying someone stuck their hand in your asshole while the ref wasn't looking?

Thanks, AV Club! Cracked.com was temporarily down, so this was just what I needed.

@avclub-18d84eb30b59b5f3cc748bfe9f68b472:disqus Yeah, unlike all those good religions.

Up that to 100%?

And did anyone notice every picture in Troy and Abed's apartment is of Troy and Abed? I certainly didn't expect it to be any other way.

Is this one of the best songs of the year? I think so, and I didn't even like Abed's part too much.

AD, Party Down and Terriers might get me to renew my Netflix account.

Maybe he can solve the mystery of your failed cancer aids. [meant for Zeppomarxist. My humblest apologies to you and all innocent cancer aid survivors. We'll find the cure someday.]

If your friend's that into singing, just watch "Cop Rock," the Glee of police procedurals.

They could cancel "Glee" four thousand times and it still wouldn't make me feel any better about this news.