Slim Charles shot first

He won't.

"He's just trying to get home to his wife and kid!" remains one of my favorite lines in cinematic history. It was like Bruckheimer was giving his audience a warm hug and saying, "There, there. Don't worry. There's no subtext here to hurt you."

Unfortunately, Oasis broke up so I don't know how I should feel about this.

Why couldn't you just put down the bunny?


Veered away from tacos kind of quickly here, didn't we? It seems to me this same lede could be used for pretty much any story ever with a few minor tweaks.


Jim and Pam's [story, implied from context] was good. But good on you for leaving.

This was the first episode I watched beginning to end in about two seasons (but I kind of know who all the new characters are/what their deals are). If this ranks as anything but a terrible episode, woof … this show's in trouble.

I believe i speak for all of us when I say:

Subterfuge? I barely even knowed 'er fuge.

"Crash" solved racism.

The pregnancy test misdirect was poetry.

Lil Wayne "You Ain't Got Nothin" namedrops every Wayans brother. OK, so most of them. And they're not really musicians.

I didn't love the A-plot, but this was the first B-plot with Chang that I
didn't hate in quite some time.