
I love that Tony was a Purple Rock fan during his season. You guys are great!

When did you make that Tony realization? Just curious.

I just want to say: I watched the first couple seasons of Survivor, but I fell in love with it when I finally watched another season a few years ago… and it was Nicaragua.

Like, remember when someone accused Sash of being gay as if it was a liability? Now the show is trying to be inclusive by casting gay people, but they still insist on saying they're "Christian" in order not to alienate any intolerant viewers.

No, it was recently—One World or Philippines, maybe. It was subtle—I only noticed because I know I would be a huge grump at camp without coffee.

Still, it's unsettling that if Survivor has openly gay characters they feel the need to make them "Christian" too. I don't buy that Josh/Reed are actually "waiting till marriage."

I believe her name was "Awful."

Don't the castaways still have black coffee at camp? I swear I've seen them with mugs in the morning before.

Yeah, but everyone outside her alliance seemed to admire the move regardless. The bigger reason it was stupid, I suppose, is that Jon and Jaclyn are too dumb to repay the loyalty.

Can't wait till we get a gay Coach.

Natalie seems like she's playing a smart game but is always on the outside because everyone else is playing so stupid.

Even Raisin Bran is too rich.

I feel like players often consider the jury "out" as soon as they leave and forget that there's a whole game going on at Ponderosa still.

Yeah, I was blown away by the surprise, but in retrospect I agree with Carrie that I'd rather have seen what led up to it.

I'm more and more curious about how I'd handle these reward challenges. Someone here mentioned being a vegetarian for a while and then finally eating pastrami, which was, uh, bad. The reward sandwiches were pastrami. Sounds like a bit of a gastrointestinal nightmare.

On that note, weren't Colton/Caleb presented as good Christian gays, too? It makes me feel funky, as if Survivor is disingenuously pushing the Christian thing to hedge against middle-America bigots. Maybe not.

I have a feeling Baylor does her fair share of drinking anyway…

I thought the "hashtag blindsided" was a fun meta-criticism of Survivor's overuse of hashtags? No? Just a dumb slang thing? Never mind.

I just proposed a trade like that out of desperation and now I feel embarrassed.

Variety gave it a good review at the Toronto Film Fest.