We should maybe point out that Albert seemed like he genuinely though Sophie'd get voted out, so he thought he was telling the truth — that Brandon was safe so he didn't need it.
We should maybe point out that Albert seemed like he genuinely though Sophie'd get voted out, so he thought he was telling the truth — that Brandon was safe so he didn't need it.
I was totally ready to hand my money over for Sir Tinker Tailor: Soldier-Spy!, but WHY is that movie only in limited release?
Me oh my oh ME oh MY.
When Annie started her song, I was excited that it'd be sexy — but then the joke at the end was actually the funniest part of the episode.
I'm so sick of this "honor and integrity" bullshit. This is Survivor. Play the fucking game. I never thought I'd sympathize with Jim, but seeing him roll his eyes at these Tribal Councils is making me wish he were back in the game.
What was the clue?
If it weren't for that grappling-hook bit, Cochran probably would've won.
That Claymation Christmas Celebration is probably the most obscure of my fond, fond childhood Christmas memories. Who couldn't love the silly "a-wassailing" puns throughout?
Every time Troy freaks out or cries, I'm always reminded of this Derrick sketch: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
Also mention in the letter that you represent eight million other people.
I think it's totally Donald Glover's influence on the character. That's the type of character he's best at, and it's so satisfying.
Hahaha, exactly! Something like that. He needed to pick up on that cue and drive it home. Instead he tried to use the Albert Key to unlock Coach's lock. Not gonna do it.
He did yell, "You all fell for my master plan!" when he gleefully ran down the stairs, but you're probably right. That might've just been ironic.
"How better to stick it to people they hate than to embarrass them by having them lose the million to a certified idiot?" This made me laugh. So true.
To be fair: Ozzy's strategy WAS to get to Redemption Island, because he knew he'd be able to fish and win the insanely easy duels and not have to PLAY the social game, where he's bound to lose. It's actually kind of a brilliant strategy, and though both Ozzy and Redemption Island are shitty, all things considered,…
I liked Jim a lot up until he threw a tantrum after Cochran's flip, but now I wish he was still in the fold.
As for your first note: Part of the problem is that they're in the South Pacific, where the weather is almost always amazing and fish are abundant. I really wish they didn't just automatically give them fishing spears. Make them fucking earn those things, at least, or suffer through fishing with a pointed Goddamn…
He was savvy in presenting it to Albert and Edna, but he needed a different approach for Coach. Just shows how socially oblivious Cochran is.
Yeah, sorry — I actually missed his other appearances, so this is my first time watching him.
As for Coach's (rather accurate) Shakespeare quote: at first I was impressed, but then it dawned on me how utterly pretentious he is.