
Aaron Eckhart
He looks like an infant trying to pretend to be a full-grown man, doesn't he? He's got infant eyes.

I hate to agree with teaodust, but he's right. Requiem For A Dream is an Afterschool Special with Boogie Nights camera-work. Fuck that horseshit movie.

Honestly, Bodie is my favorite character. When he gets aced at the end of Season 4, that shit tears me up more than any other death on the show.

Lobsters, we all hoped you'd died.

Oh yippee, Lexicondevil is here to say some stupid shit and act like his opinion is unimpeachable. Shut the fuck up douche, you're worse than TomWaits.

Shut the fuck up Terry, no one likes you.

Rescue Me licks balls and Sons of Anarchy hasn't been on long enough.

Morel Orel and Frisky Dingo?

I knew there was a reason I didn't like you, Hyden.

Haha, Farscape love and he doesn't like The Wire. So cute!

Tunnel Rat!

Hey morley, why don't you cry a little more, you fuckin little baby?

Sylvia, you lazy diabetic, you polish a coffee table like you process sugars!

Jesus fuck, you Whedon fanboys/girls need to take some god damn meds. Not everyone in the world needs to like the same shit you do, you bunch of sensitive turds.

Also The Black Donnellys sucked balls.

God damn, no wonder everyone hates Whedon fans.

Keep flapping your gums pal, and you'll be flossing with lead.

There's a big difference between alive and dead too. I can punch your ticket any time I want, Randy, you and Murray can sit together on the bus to oblivion.

So Murray, you enjoy Brian De Palma, do you?
It figures. Only a savage beast such as yourself could enjoy such utter trash.

Murray, this isn't over
You may have escaped me in San Francisco, but you were lucky once and only once. Now your luck has run out on you, much like Wanda Sykes cultural cache. If only you had killed me back in the Congo when you had a chance, but you were never cunning enough, were you? It's curtains for you this