

Probably the best use of unnecessary-but-awesome titling since "The Doctor Will Return in ….. LET'S KILL HITLER"

Revolution, Vegas, Last Resort, Person of Interest, Elementary, Community, Fringe, and Doctor Who. Looks like I'll be having even less of a life this season!

Revolution, Vegas, Last Resort, Person of Interest, Elementary, Community, Fringe, and Doctor Who. Looks like I'll be having even less of a life this season!

I want the robot to be the bad cop, just so the show can be called Bad Robot.

I want the robot to be the bad cop, just so the show can be called Bad Robot.

I think you have that backwards.

I think you have that backwards.

While I can see where they're coming from with this, I don't see them protesting the million Call of Duty games and their ilk.

While I can see where they're coming from with this, I don't see them protesting the million Call of Duty games and their ilk.

Right, because Pitchfork decides for us what good music is.

My choice would be "Waiting for the End" by Linkin Park. Unlike their previous songs, which just all sounded too similar, this one sounded fresh and original to me. Should I listen to the rest of the A Thousand Suns album?

The "House of the Rising Sun" cover is the best, in my opinion.