classic flynn

I've seen Dylan a few times. The trick is, you have to catch him right after an album drops, because he does approximately 12,000 shows per year, and I think he does get bored with his material pretty easily, and that's when he starts fooling around with the tempo, the lyrics, etc. He has to be enjoying himself for

We are Devo!

Does this mean we're going to get a "computer geek" Hot Shots movie?

The Social Network was pretty geeky. They were all like, "wget!" and "index listing!" and "php!" and "Apache / MySQL server!"

I'm going as a bed bug.

Some arrogant fool felt they could improve on Dirty Pretty Things.

Would Spaceman Spiff use the word "titty?" I think not.

The joke's on us for expecting him to "keep it real."

You know she's ripe if she smells like garlic.

Things are getting worse. Every day.

That poop doesn't look very healthy. You should probably see a doctor.

You know what we need less of in this country? Intellectualism.

Every time I see Vince Cassel in a movie, I say: "Hey! It's that guy from Scream!" But it's not. It's just a Frenchie who looks like Matthew Lillard.

I find it hard to listen to Nevermind these days, sadly. As great as it is (and it is great), I can't separate the music from the phenomenon it spawned. The hook from "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is buried so deep in my memory, it's like a Fruity Pebbles jingle from Saturday Morning cartoons.

"what percentage"

I kind of like Muse, but they're the very definition of "diminishing returns."

"We could also point out that 100% of lefties do not know the difference between a *marginal tax rate* and an *effective tax rate*"

Can we please at least make an attempt to raise the level of discourse in this country?

You're right. Steve 'n Vieve is much better.