classic flynn

I don't know, NYC seems pretty much like what I imagined it to be before I moved here. Although I was a little surprised to discover that the vast majority of the city is comprised of badly-aging suburbanish neighborhoods with limited train access and people who talk like Fran Drescher. Non-NYers tend to think of

If you think old ladies smell weird now, just imagine what one smells like in the throes of ecstasy.

Too soon.

I hate the music, but I dig this feature. Much respect & gratitude to Stenevieve for sifting through the dreck.

If any of you think that New Jersey is really the least redeemable state in the country, or even on the East Coast, you seriously need to get out more. Jersey doesn't have a big city or high-profile cultural center, but it does have lots of decent beaches, a few of them nude, and some very charming small towns, and an

I don't know if this makes a difference, but I saw KFH first and preferred it greatly to SS, which I saw several months later. I always thought that SS seemed to be playing it mostly for laughs, and that's why I preferred KFH, but after reading these comments, I wonder if there's a Chow novelty factor that wears off

Human pee or animal?

How do you guys afford your rock 'n roll lifestyle?


Fat people are fine, as long as they're sassy.

Is this the line for smooshes?

If Roman Polanski were to rape a cow, the circle would be complete.

If Jesus wanted me to see this movie, he wouldn't have sent His bedbug plague to infest our multiplexes, praise be.

"Can't we all remember when our parents or other adults put down our entertainment choices or were so condescending or patronizing that they were in essence saying we were stupid?"

We're going to need more money. This list is going to get very long very quickly.

You guys are all taking this the wrong way. Albini might blame SY for their negative influence, accuse them of being corrupt sell-outs and helping along the commercialization of alternative, and he might also suggest that they should be embarrassed about their actions, because he is certainly embarrassed for them. But

Personally, when I think "corporate sell-out band," I think "Sonic Youth."

There's nothing wrong with being self-important. Jesus Christ, I wish more people would take themselves seriously.

Why do I have a Better Than Ezra CD?

"it's more like they convinced themselves he'd be a lot better than Bush and he turned out to only be a little better"