Shit, all I'm getting is fat David Cross.
Shit, all I'm getting is fat David Cross.
Isn't that part of the appeal, though? It can be just as interesting to read about shit as it is to read about great art.
If you go looking for Grey Man posts, all that turns up is a bunch of people accusing each other of being Grey Man. Some of those old threads read like The Crucible.
Facebook is racist.
God I hope not.
Morning glory is when old people fuck. In this case, both "morning" and "glory" are ironic.
Getting pissed on by a robot just isn't the same.
If David Fincher can make fucking Facebook into a brilliant movie, they should give him two Oscars this year. Then we'll all sit back and wait for the Twitter movie that will capture & define the 2010s.
As sappy as some of these songs are, I'm surprised the Gary Jules cover of "Mad World" isn't on this list. That's my personal winner for Song-That-Really-Wants-Me-To-Cry-But-I-Don't-Ha-Ha. Also, Fade Into You.
I'm looking forward to this, as long as they retain the weird YZ conceptual stuff and don't try to make it into Trent Reznor Presents The Stand.
I'm not going to say Ladykillers was a masterpiece. Like most everyone else here, I enjoyed it as a lesser Coenbro film. But it's pretty obnoxious to imply that the Coens, of all people, have been lurching recently between a desire to "sell-out multiplexes" and a desire to make "highly commercial oscar bait." If they…
I'd like to see an episode where Marge and Homer start to break up, and then madcap hijinks ensue, and then they discover that they truly loved each other all along.
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People don't get less cruel with age. They just get lazier. You think a 40-year-old fat piece of shit with two mortgages and a sweat-stained golf shirt is going to expend the energy required to beat the shit out of you, however much your presence disgusts or offends him? Not likely. He's got bowels to move and kids to…
You are aptly named.
B-. There was some filler material, but very little that I would consider an outright assault on Western Civilization, a-la January Jones.
@Dwide Schrude
I went to India last year, and I was tempted to watch this show for just that reason, because I was hoping it would be more insightful cultural observation and less diarrhea jokes. I guess diarrhea won, lol.
"a 0% approval rating"