
It's not complete garbage, but it's still not very good. The art ranges from strong to rushed (at best), and the story is almost insultingly just a toy commercial. Shooter himself wrote it, and his lack of experience with some characters is glaring. He writes Doom, Spidey, and most of the Avengers pretty well, but

Was it anything like Dave Sim's "Tangent?"

I keep hearing good things about "Archer and Armstrong," but haven't checked it out yet.

Fuck me, I do that way too often. Apologies to Scott S.

It's directionless, "we can charge people full price for retelling the same damned origin stories all over again" b.s.


It's up there, though I'll always have some sympathy for Shooter. He was always a mad genius, but for a long time he managed to be more genius than mad.

I'm going to ask you nicely to never mention "Ultimatum" ever again. Please. For the sake of the children, and for the child in each of us.

A nice alternative to the New Universe would show up three or four years later, when Shooter revamped and expanded the Valiant line. Holy shit, is that good stuff. Just about everything they published up to and including the "Unity" crossover was excellent. The art ranged from solid to superb (Barry Windsor-Smith was

At my public high school, our Sociology teacher showed us "Do The Right Thing," and a rain of shit poured down upon him. This was 1991, back when the very mention of race was considered racist, so when a white teacher showed a predominantly black/latino class a movie that made frequent use of the ol'

I'm a big fan of "The Zoo" for karaoke, but then it may be impossible to find a bad Scorpions song for that occasion.

Samantha Stevens was great, but the show itself (along with the similar "I Dream of Jeannie") was all about how women who assert themselves cause more trouble than they're worth.

I guess I was pretty lucky. My parents were fairly permissive of the books/tv/movies/music I absorbed, so long as they got to check it out for themselves, though my mom always hated the idea of me seeing boobs on screen (violence was just fine; she took me to see "Robocop" when it opened and we both loved it.)

It was a crazy-strong category that year, and everyone had different styles. I may have to do a "best supporting actor 1993" mini movie marathon this week.

I forgot about Malkovich!

Tommy Lee Jones was spectacular in "The Fugitive," but it doesn't change the fact that Ralph Fiennes gave the performance of the year in "Shindler's List."

"This thing is shredding my insides!"

"Kingdom Come" is as close as we'll ever get to Twilight of the Superheroes, which is too bad because while I really enjoyed it, it didn't feature nearly enough of Mr Tawky Tawny.

There's a point (toward the middle of the series, I think) where you have to turn a double-page spread in a spiral pattern in order to properly read it. I remember thinking to myself "shit just got surreal" without a hint of ironic detachment.