
Aside from the final act of the episode, the rest felt like just "filler."  (precious minutes wasted on Star Trek babble!?).

You're correct. For me the problem with this episode (as someone already said on this forum) was that Rev. Tim "was poorly and excessively used last night." The first bit with his missing guitar was excellent, after that it felt like forced somehow, and when they took Sue to the DMV and everyone was waiting there the

I usually love the show, but this episode was too preachy for my taste. It was heavier than usual on religious angle and that turned me off since I kept wondering if I was watching TV at some christian channel or ABC Family.

"I had to delete tonight’s Modern Family off of the DVR because even the freaking description of the episode would’ve given away to her the fact that the Tooth Fairy isn’t real. I’d rather dole out that information myself, thanks."