
I was about to say something very similar to this in response to the perception of Lily's behavior as implausible - as someone who sleeps little and tends to find myself pacing my dark house at night as I try to find something to occupy my time, I identified easily with her nervous perpetual movement around the house.

I'm something of a 'long time listener, first time caller' here, but having read many, many more than my fair share of AV Club comment threads for film reviews, I have to say that I'm really surprised by what seems to be the majority of negative reactions to this movie. I've been looking forward to

As much as I loved that moment between them in the office, what really got me was their phone conversation near the end of the episode - after a brief exchange about the near future of their careers and some optimistic reassurance from Peggy, she asks very simply if Stan will stay on the phone. "Sure." he says, and

Aside from a couple of the usual suspects, these wouldn't be my choices either. To be fair, though - he isn't "Esteemed Horror Film Scholar, Kerry King". I kind of loved the complete nonchalance in his answers - particularly the little exchange about Cabin Fever/Wolf Creek.