
I know it's raining, but we really need to practice the mirror routine from DUCK SOUP for the Christmas pageant!

I know it's raining, but we really need to practice the mirror routine from DUCK SOUP for the Christmas pageant!

I'd add Meredith Grey to that list too.

I'd add Meredith Grey to that list too.

I'm with you, Marah. The empty cup is probably my biggest pop culture pet peeve.

I'm with you, Marah. The empty cup is probably my biggest pop culture pet peeve.

I had an R.E.M. shirt from '94. It was navy blue and had a angsty-looking cartoon kid flipping burgers on it. I love that shirt. And I miss it every day.

I use the "last night, I had a dream that a hamburger was eating me!" (and, incidentally, "I'm thinking of buying a speedboat" from season 9's "The Burning") line to switch topics of conversation at parties and at work to curb gossip.

I'm not saying pirating movies is okay (it's not), but I'm curious to know how much money was "lost" because of the early leak. I mean, it grossed over $370 million worldwide, making back more than twice its budget. Let's not get greedy, people.

Well played.

I am a huge fan of Friends, but I will say this: "The One That Could Have Been" is unwatchable.

The moment Sam slides the beer at the end of "Endless Slumper" is not only my favourite moment in Cheers, it's one of my all time favourite moments of anything ever. God, I love the hell outta this show!

I love the lived-in look of this film.

Universe, you've done it again!

Woah, I JUST watched Seven again last night. And it was the first time in, like, 15 years.

Thank you, Chris Mincher, for the shout-out to Butch Walker! The Spade is my favourite rock record of 2011.

Ah, yes, Phase 10. You're speaking my language VanDerWerff.

Cheers?! YES! I've actually already been getting back into Cheers, and I forgot what a truly outstanding show it is. That pilot episode is off the charts. And so is "Endless Slumper," THAT is great television.

De Palma's BLOW OUT. That shit is utterly devastating.