Hipster Librarian

His Ghost in Hamlet is the best part of that film. It actually made me completely rethink how that character should be played. I worked in theatre in another life, and spent a lot of time reading his plays. I regret that I never got to work on one. One of the greats. RIP.

I have finally just watched this movie. I thought it would be twee and a bit unbearable. It is not. In fact, it is emotionally honest and lovely. Centered around some amazing performances, and a remarkable screenplay. I did not expect to like it nearly as much as I did. Easily one of my favorite films from the pat

I love this movie. We watch it every Thanksgiving. It has some great performances, especially from James Earl Jones, which keep it from being too cheesy, and the score makes it a classic of its genre. Also Arnold punches a camel.

There is also a very enjoyable Drunk History about the Bone Wars, though I can't vouch for the historical accuracy of the episode.

I went into Gladiator knowing almost nothing about it, and expecting very little, so was surprised at how well-made and affecting it actually was. I believe Crouching Tiger is a better movie and deserved best picture, but I think Gladiator won because it was surprisingly good and wasn't it also a bit of a comeback for

I saw it sitting in front of a father and small child who could not read yet, so the dad read every single subtitle to her. It was not quite the film going experience I was hoping for. I do love the movie, it is me and my husband's annual Valentine Day flick, but we turn it off right before Li Mu Bai dies because my

I've read a lot of Atwood, and actually just finished Alias Grace. It was, by far, my least favorite Atwood novel. Oryx and Crake, mentioned above, is also great, but again might be a bit too close to comfort. I recommend The Blind Assassin, which is one her best novels, and doesn't focus on dystopian societies.

He did indeed! From the same letter:

I got to see and hear a red tailed hawk randomly in a park in Brooklyn! We couldn't tell what it was since it was perched really high up on some stadium lights, but then it flew away and made the screech! It was just as cool as you can imagine, and I may have given a little jump and clapped my hands in delight when it

Fun with History! Ben Franklin would agree with you about Bald Eagles being assholes. He hated that they were chosen as one of our national emblems, and expounded in a letter to his daughter:

Ha! I almost mentioned Blind Assassin as being one of her "regular" books that I loved, but probably because it still had a sci-fi bent to it. Great minds, and all of that.

I've read the first two of the Old Man sequels, and think those are both really good. I actually enjoy Ghost Brigade even more than the first one. The others are on my "to read" list.

If this your first John Scalzi? He is my go to for fun, but still thoughtful, sci-fi. He has very slightly filled the hole that the death of Terry Pratchett left in my heart, when I'm looking for a fun read that doesn't also insult my intelligence. I wouldn't put him totally at Pratchett's level, but I've really

Just finished Atwood's Alias Grace, which I liked, but it definitely cemented for me that I prefer Atwood's science fiction to her "regular" fiction. It was difficult for me to find a way into the novel, and I didn't particularly care about any of the characters. I definitely enjoyed Grace retelling her story, but I

But hipsters and librarians aren't known for their ball handling skills are they? Wait, don't answer that.

I was on our regional Bozo the Clown show as a kid, and played that game! Unfortunately I was uncoordinated and a terrible shot, so didn't make it past the third bucket, and have carried that shame with me to this day.

I hope you enjoyed Avatar and Korra. Avatar is one of my favorite TV shows, just a perfect blend of characters, story, world-building, music and animation. I love it. Korra I enjoyed as well, though I don't go back to it nearly as much as Avatar, the animation is gorgeous, but the characters and story aren't quite as

Babe, Pig in the City should be on the list somewhere. Although, would it be considered a comedy?

I hate Donald Trump, and voted enthusiastically for Hillary, but I'm making it my mission, as a Librarian, to correct miss-statements that I see in comments sections. Yes, this may kill me.

Harry and the Hendersons is the first movie that ever made me cry. I still can't watch that clip without getting a little teary-eyed.