
Error, Crash too.

Tiny Zeus Lester in Fifth Element.

Darkplace is hilarious and worth a download. It had a great spinoff called Man to Man with Dean Lerner.  Both are hilarious. As is Brass Eye.

I think I would need more evidence than "I heard it's good for you"…

I agree and I think Mark Duplass' poor acting didn't help.

But he is her husband in real life.

I think one of the problems was that it had a much different tone then it's first part (the season 6 finale) which was one of the better Psych episodes. Once in awhile Psych has these weird, uneven episodes. I think some of it has to do with the writers getting into heavy territory while still keeping it a comedy. 

I've been kind of disappointed with this season. The tone of the show has been all over the place. Jody was a roughneck the first time we saw him. This time around he's a cornball amateur pornstar.

Good points all around. The Andy/Erin relationship gets me. The two most endearing moments in the show were when Andy was courting Erin both times. But their relationship ended once when she decided to dump him off camera and date Gabe (Gabe!). And then another when his character does a 180 and becomes a monster jerk.

Good points all around. The Andy/Erin relationship gets me. The two most endearing moments in the show were when Andy was courting Erin both times. But their relationship ended once when she decided to dump him off camera and date Gabe (Gabe!). And then another when his character does a 180 and becomes a monster jerk.

Huh? Cynthia McKinney isn't allowed to have a cause?

What world do you live in that Syria and Saudi Arabia aren't criticized? So every time someone criticizes Israel they should criticize Saudi Arabia as well?

Not counterproductive at all. BDS has been very successful so far.

It's not a "brainy art film."

I had the same feeling…didn't hate it but something felt off. New directors, new writers? I seriously had to double check to make sure I was watching the right show during the cold open. It kinda had a "My Name is Earl" tone to it…

A lot of people are bringing up Lee's crappy movies as if that nullifies his point. He should probably watch the movie before commenting but he's definitely not the only African American to feel this way. The LA Times (I believe it was the Times, I have a real bad memory)  had a piece on the very subject.

The show has turned so goofy. The Doakes' flashbacks were incredibly odd and poorly written. That whole "don't jump over the fence" bit was so odd. Why would Doakes even begin to tell Dexter about his relationship problems with LaGuerta? He despises the guy.And they could have thrown in the fire investigation bit

The show has turned so goofy. The Doakes' flashbacks were incredibly odd and poorly written. That whole "don't jump over the fence" bit was so odd. Why would Doakes even begin to tell Dexter about his relationship problems with LaGuerta? He despises the guy.And they could have thrown in the fire investigation bit

Let's not forget Margo Martindale on Justified.

Let's not forget Margo Martindale on Justified.