Joke Ruiner

It took me years to figure out that was the origin of my Alfred Molina crush.

Oh Sister
Is one of my favorite songs ever, even moreso when sung by Andrew Bird. There's also a song by the same name by Neutral Milk Hotel. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a Dylan cover.

I didn't have high hopes for this movie (and had zero plans to see it anyway), but I do hope that one day Chris Messina becomes a bigger star. I've liked him every since Six Feet Under.

His monologues can be painful and the interviews uninspiring, but the weird games and segments he has in between are worth watching.

Fallon has definitely grown on me. Like a lichen.

Well shit
"This video contains content from FirstLook Studios, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

BR predates the first book by almost a decade. They do have remarkably similar plots though.

You have a comrade lower down.

I'm so happy you reviewed this
The Hunger Games was a great antidote to Twilight - strong female protagonist, real consequential violence, and all the mushy stuff more or less in the background. I hear it's in the process of being cinematized (not surprisingly).

I haven't seen this in forever
And it's been even longer since I read the book, but two scenes stand out for me: running naked with a chainsaw and putting the cat in the ATM. The movie had a fantastic sense of humor whereas the book was just half stomach-churning and half boring. I always feel like a worse person

Oh woe
Next time, Ralph Macchio, next time.

fingers crossed
I'm really holding out for Ralph Macchio to be on the cast as well.

How does the twitter "verified account" thing work? Is Mr. Scott not a big enough star yet to require verification?

Really, now
Would it kill Imogen Poots to adapt a stage name?

If you're trying to make me feel better, IT DIDN'T WORK

Apparently this will be at the Toronto film fest
So maybe VIFF will be blessed with its presence as well. We got shafted on The Wrestler though. I hate waiting!

Poor kid (haha) will still be playing college students when he's pushing 40.

I had to go to her site to verify for herself that that was the real album cover (or whatever the appropriate term would be these days).

In the words of Kelly Kapoor

Weird question
I saw this in the theatre (not first run, I'm not *that* old), and I had read beforehand in a blurb in the ad from the theatre about how Antonioni had had the titular desert painted red and whatnot.