Joke Ruiner

I share a name with a porn actress who dominates google searches for me. It's always fun when prospective employers try to dig up dirt on me.

Snoring is pretty appropriate
I saw this at VIFF, and afterward in the ladies room, everyone was asking if anyone else actually liked/understood the film. I don't think anyone did. Pretty, but it made me drowsy without even pricking my finger.


I've seen a lot of tiny hats on women doing the neo-Victorian thing. They look a bit ridick.

Forgive me, I only half-way watched one episode previously. I'm glad someone did donate instead of turning this into a Hoarders prequel.

With great power comes great responsibility
I think this would be a great way to stock food banks. Use your powers for good, extreme couponers!

I have to say…
I'm surprised that this did not get a straight-up F judging it solely by its barf-worthy trailer. It's like the parody of an indie movie.

Thanks for adding this to the roster
I like having my television viewing habits justified. I've found The Middle to be strangely compelling since its first season even though I'd be hard pressed to say why.

I love Boyle
Yet I'm so out of touch that I didn't know he had a new book out. Finally, I'll have something to break the monotony of all the non-fiction I've been plowing through.

Isn't there some history of cannibalism or at least head-hunting on Vanuatu? I always thought that made "Yumi, Yumi, Yumi" even funnier… unless I'm entirely wrong in which case nevermind.

That was my first thought just going from the previews.

One of the weird aspects of it getting pushed to January is that we're picking up in early fall. I hope this doesn't lead to an out-of-place Christmas episode in May.

Of course…
If you live in Canada, you probably already know how it played out. I was very glad to see this law go through. While I do like it up here, sometimes I find the justice system to be a tad too lenient at times.

Are the Brobdingnagians not in it? If revealing that factoid is a spoiler, I should point out that I will absolutely not be seeing this.

I think Mansell is used to getting the shaft at this point, and I hope all the royalties from everyone ever using "Lux Aeterna" are consolation enough. The Black Swan score was quite different for him. I assumed he was the one who did the music just because it's an Aronofsky film, but it sounds so different from

Dexter will become a funeral director as a way to cover up disposing of bodies. He will also realize that his violent urges are from denying his homosexuality all these years.

False positives are almost always due to something obvious - like a chemical pregnancy or hormones in system from fertility treatments. A higher than normal hcg level doesn't just happen. Though I have heard of dollar store pregnancy tests not being reliable (nearly gave a friend of mine a heart attack when she took

False positives are pretty rare. When I first saw the synopsis for this episode, I was really afraid it was going to involve a miscarriage which would be pretty depressing for a Christmas episode.

I thought Season 3 was going to be the low point
But I couldn't even be bothered to pay that much attention to this finale (in fact, I am still watching it!).

I kind of think of him as Tappy Tibbons from Requiem for a Dream even though he was a game show host.