bird brains

You're right, I always forget and think she's in her 20s. I think when I first watched the show I even thought she was older than Simon (no I don't know how I got that impression when she's obviously younger in the Zac Efron flashback).

Why is the focus on children? River is not a child.

Why is the focus on children? River is not a child.

It's not that extreme for me, but I feel the same when I watch this show and hear people talking about "this generation." My parents actually are able and willing to give me money but I have a disability and they've always been really overprotective so I don't want to put myself in that dependent situation. And I work

I think fewer is for things that have a number (which you maybe guessed)? You would say "less water" because it's not 4 waters instead of 5 waters, but you would say "fewer shoes" because it's 4 pairs of shoes not 5 pairs of shoes.

I really don't like all the changes that make Joffrey seem more clever and more of a player. Full disclosure, I haven't finished the books, but as far as I've gotten he seems stupid as hell and I think that's a much bigger condemnation of this world. He didn't get where he is by being an evil mastermind, he got there

Yeah I am a huge Sansa fan so maybe I'm biased, but I didn't think it was bitchy. If it's accepted that the job of handmaiden means knowing how and when to do certain things, of course you would be annoyed to get a handmaiden who basically asked you to train them. It's like if you went to buy something and the cashier

There was a great supercut that was made during season 3, but it was removed from YouTube.

I think it makes sense, it's not like it would show up that way to everyone, but if Nick had been there in real life Hitler would have been showing an emotion that would have revealed him to a Grimm, and that emotion revealed him even to a Grimm who was watching a video of him. A lot of the time characters who can

Carnivale is too a horror show. I'm not saying that's the only genre but it's definitely part of it. Especially in the second season, it even gets into kind of a monster of the week format with the horror.

I've never seen this remake, thank God. But does anyone else think it's weird that in the American version they gave all the characters slightly higher status jobs?

that was actually me trying to tactfully say that she can't carry a tune.

I think it was autotuned. It sounded like it could have been, and I never got the impression that she was a conventionally good singer, even though I like her singing.

it's not his fault runaways went bad, though. everything he wrote was perfect.

It doesn't seem like her alters became this violent until recently. Maybe at the time when she had kids, all her alters could more or less be trusted with a baby.

thank you! I knew I picked the wrong line to quote from that sketch.

save yourself hamlet! shiiiiiiit
I had no idea this show was still on, but I used to watch it in high school and I really loved it. Especially the Lincoln skit. Has it gotten worse?

Liv as much as said their relationship was over. I couldn't tell if it was ending on Franky and Matty getting together as a couple, or deciding to just be friends. (I hope the latter, as they are the most boring couple ever.)

I have to admit
that part of the song "make me want to die" is catchy. Overall her music is not that good though. I guess it's good for someone who is also an actor. But can she stop using the word quintessential so much?

can you PLEASE do an Are You Afraid of the Dark post?