bird brains

Wow, I really appreciate that you don't make fun of gay activists for being offended by Basic Instinct. Thanks, you guys.

I'm going to be really pleased
if Stan/Michelle is endgame and it seemed to be set up that way. (I think. I was cooking while I was watching it and I think I missed if anything happened in their awkward sex scene after Stan said, "I never thought I counted. I guess I count.")

I want more coverage please.
also, did anyone else find it kind of problematic how the show portrayed the adoptive vampire parents as being bad? like, yes, they've killed 7 people or whatever. consensually. how many people has mitchell killed from unrealistically trying to go cold turkey and then having huge lapses?

I don't think he knew Michelle was awake.

JJ's perfect, haven't seen Abed but can't imagine him being better. What is he like?

I mean, it's fine for him to be religious and that is still shown in the US show but his whole s1 storyline was about it. I'm not saying I had a problem with it when I watched the UK version but it is nice to see other aspects of his character here.

I don't know, I'm (reasonably) pro Chris and Cadie. They make mistakes but they have personality.

fact. I rewatched the Russia episode this morning and while the guy who plays Maxxie sometimes delivers his lines like he doesn't know what they mean, D'elia delivers her lines like she knows too much what they mean, if that makes sense. Like she's thinking really hard.

I'm excited for you, 3x01 and 3x02 are dumb but in my opinion 3x04-3x08 are some of the best episodes ever. Basically I really like the whole season, although what comes after is annoying.

That makes sense, but at the same time it's kind of refreshing to see him not defined by being Muslim in this version.

"I pray 5 times a day" "For what, more pork chops?"
Speaking as the only person in the universe who loves the Russia episode, I really liked this episode too. In fact it's the only US Skins episode I've enjoyed in more than a "well, this wasn't so bad" way.

best username ever

gosh, I loved this episode. Hard to explain why, but for me they can always take someone really terrible and make me empathize with them, without cheating (i.e. revealing that the character is secretly nice and was abused or something). I don't think it was meant to be surprising—the fact that she couldn't handle

they said it's not legally allowed for some reason.

fact. even though I liked this episode okay, I had to run away to youtube afterwards and find this: