
Well, MacFarlaine already hired Lynch for one show…

Having Newt Gingrich host that movie would only help to solidify my hatred of it.

Yeah, I'll miss BB like crazy, but I have fuck-tons of Homeland, Boardwalk Empire and American Dad to catch up on.

Woo-hoo! Ti-taaays!!!!

If Coopola's Dracula had just been the Gary Oldman/Wynona Ryder stuff, with a little bit of Hopkins' crazy-ass Van Helsing thrown in for fun, it would have been an all-time classic. Unfortunately, it was a whole lot more than that.

Right?! This is the most compelling "negative" review I've read since Drive Angry.

The Dodgers are really good, but the Cardinals are gonna roll everyone this year. They have the least compelling storyline of any team in the playoffs, but they're also the best team from top to bottom.

@avclub-b5f6c48761619c08b5b1c90d26e3f02e:disqus is here to tell you about some real fucking music, man. You guys ever heard of Bob fucking Dylan??

I am the leader of the New Jedi Order…Clothed, in IMMENSE POWER!!!

He'd hire Carrie Fisher to walk around behind him saying vaguely anti-Wookie racist things.

No that's Melissa McCarthy.

Really? I don't listen to much pop radio but it hardly seemed inescapable, the way Blurred Lines or whatever song Rhianna released this week tends to be.

Yes. But there are some other people writing for that site that aren't completely terrible.

That's why I set all my series recordings to stop 2 minutes after the show has ended.


Suit & Tie is such a great song. Kind of annoyed it didn't become more of a big hit.

The album cover is an oil painting of a bunch of cut-down trees next to a beautiful lake.

-the last thing anyone hears before they're sacrificed to The Worm.

Why is there not a P-Funk album with ^^ that title?

According to Ain't It Cool (I know, I know), if you watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tonight you really need to keep watching after the credits.