It was fan service, but it was good fan service.
It was fan service, but it was good fan service.
That shit was the bomb, yo!
HELL yeah, bitch!
That Walt/Skylar scene was beautiful.
Holy fuck, Walt won!!!
Nope. It could be the worst episode since the Talking Pillow one & it'll still be in the pantheon of all-time great shows.
He does already have the cabin in the forest.
My Yankees are out of it, so yeah, I'm pulling for the Buccos too. Playoff baseball is back in Pittsburgh. That's so great.
It'll also be the last time any of us actually hear the words Low Winter Sun.
I'm on episode 3 of season 2 of Homeland. Gotta say, I can see why people gave this season such a hard time re: the Brody stuff. Nobody else could have gotten the tailor to the safe house? Really?
Who cares about the damn kids, with their meth shows & their saggy pants?
Yeah, this headline pretty much nails it :(
Ugh, don't even get me started. And the Team Walt idiots who think he should get away with everything will be even worse.
*searches soul* Hmm, I still think it's funny & that you're a troll. Guess I need help.
Kaley Cuoco looked like she was about to completely crack up when Sheldon made that crack about knowing how she felt when the sexually crazed ape attacked her. That was simultaneously sweet and hilarious.
Team Tweed 4 Lyfe!!!
As opposed to the male protagonists, who are all big-dick Alphas.
I thought it was non-comic fans thst thought he was dumb. Comic fans must like him, cause, y'know, still around after all these decades.
They do talk about some contemporary shows, like Game of Thrones & The Walking Dead, but yeah, ABC is still probably considered "direct competition."