
You're right about everything except the horrible part. Holy fuck was this awesome.


^^^all of this.


The very fact that astronomy & astrophysics have advanced so far in the past 33 years is the best reason that this update is a good idea.

Yeah, I'll believe that time frame when I see it.

See you in 2017.

Oh, COME ON, that's fucking bullshit. The song has nothing to do with race.

Ugh, Ocean's Twelve? Really? All the movies stretched reality to the breaking point, but the whole "she looks just like Julia Roberts!" thing was just painful. I actually really like the third one, though.

Lindsay's been dancin' with Mr. Brownstone…

"What'd you have for dinner?"

OHMYGODYES Gary Oldman!!!

Her boyfriend is bad in the sack?

Only Orpheus appearance? What? How? WHY????

"Oh how quaint, a bible!"

He's not old or theatrical enough. Alan Rickman, baby. I don't care if the delivery would be slightly different.

You shut your FOOL MOUTH about Appetite for Destruction!!!

He wouldn't HAVE to get rescued if he hadn't been dropped into this shitballs-crazy life in the first place, which he's desperate to escape. Go Dean!!!

Did you just call the Queen of LA a smart vampire?

God, I wish he's said that line.