
I was always surprised that kid never became more of a star. He was so great playing the straight man in that opening scene with Chevy

So you're saying that those straight camps just need to hire Deborah Ann Woll?

*slaps @avclub-eb82c84c462931212d961b1e43aaa5f9:disqus in the head, screams in pain*

C-3PO is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. Of COURSE he speaks in formal verse!!!

How did I not know about this until right this second?!?! 

The thing is, I'm totally with Eric on his strategy. The child of the person trying to massacre your whole species is a pretty excellent hostage to have.

"Aw, HELL naw!" T(ara)-Dawg.

I would have loved a Jessica-goes-to-Japan side mission.

"I find it hard to believe The Governor's jurisdiction would bypass a federal amendment."

The bitchy little exchange between the Newlin exes, Bill's spectacular flameout and Jessica's dirty schoolgirl outfit were all awesome. Other than that, I agree that it was kind of a meh episode.

@avclub-ca6cb47da12090ffd2470daf51f71be1:disqus it wouldn't involve a 14 YEAR-OLD CHILD.

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus How? WHY??? Putting a perfect God creature in an unwinnable situation where he has to compromise his values is just about the only thing I can think of to make him truly interesting.

"There's a difference, you know, between not liking one's brother, and not caring when some dumb, Irish flatfoot throws him out of a window."

I'd pay good money to see a James Woods/Richard Jenkins knife fight. I mean, just THINK about that!

Wait, so is Woody Allen or the guy from Kids in the Hall the savior of this colony?

She's about to lose control, and start licking that nasty-ass pole.

If she was 22 when filming, & the kid was born 5 years ago, it sounds more likely that she got knocked up at 16.

I still think, with no sarcasm, that Bullock's delivery of the "let's go blow this guy" line in Demolition Man was one of the funniest things I've ever heard.  Since then, nada.

So many good reasons to trash Identity Thief, and he goes with THAT.

Given that we're talking about Heat, thanks, now I feel completely gross.