It was in the Park first.
I said this above, but Pete learned from Don that a guy like Don/Bob is a cornered tiger, and that's a fight you either won't win, or will suffer greatly in winning.
Oh wow, I never put that together. Nice. And brrr.
He convinced ME! The whole time I was like "Don!! What the fuck?!?!
O'Neal sticks to the Newswire, mainly.
Pete realized after tangling with Don that a man like Bob is basically a cornered tiger. And that is one thing you do not fuck with. Kudos, Mr. Campbell! Smoke some more weed & enjoy a bit more personal growth!
This was also pretty great (Game of Thrones spoilers if you've been living under a rock)
Well, they did say they were turning Don into Roger.
I was actually really bummed, because my wife & I turned on the TV at 10:20 & saw Ken in an eye patch, then started the show on our DVR & saw him get shot at the beginning. Had we not seen that, we definitely would have thought he was dead.
He was having Clash of the Titans flashbacks?
"You say Plow-dah!!!"
Cut to: Bob talking to Ted in a perfect Kennedy accent.
The crew has been having that problem too, apparently.
I fucking DEMAND to see the outtakes from filming that.
Pregnant Sally (gross, I know, but can you imagine her parents' reactions?!)
I'm a little rusty on the procedure, but doesn't she need to be having sex for that to happen.
She's having chicks! (do parrots have chicks?)