

What, you want to eat her alive?! You monster!


American Dorothy

Best night of TV ever? Jesus!

Yeah, it's about that time.

Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Mad Men
The Americans

So psyched!!!

For me it's Megadeth>pre-'91 Metallca>Slayer>Anthrax>>>>>>>>>>post '91 Metallica.

Ohhh, you're totally right @avclub-d1a8bb726018bdcb969deca23ce83e80:disqus, Fistful kicks whole mountains of ass.

I still have that CD. That Beasties cover is so great.

FUN, you stupid idiot!!!

I'd listen to Morrissey's opinion of Anthrax, even though his pompadour is was and always will be stupid. Why? Because hair does not equal music.

Huh, that's pretty cool, I never heard that.

I wish that I liked Rush. I love their whole fan base & how utterly uncool it is, they're massively talented, they seem like great guys, they make interesting music, but I just cannot get into them.

He said he's gonna go get the papers get the papers!

Spreading the Disease, Among the Living, Persistence of Time & Sound of White Noise are all stone classic albums, and last year's Worship Music was a fine addition to their catalog. Admittedly everything else is spotty at best, bad at worst.

Oh I agree completely. That's why I said I love The Smiths. I also love Megadeth, Salvador Dali & a bunch of other wretched human beings' outputs.

And he's got TWO first names! STUPID!!!