
"Now, Mr. Pahfifer, about the Pahfuneral"

Loved that line, lol

I loved this episode. I am actually starting to like Hannah.

The first glimpse of the green monster on the wing of the airplane..Twilight Zone, The Movie. I was about 12 maybe, scared the crap out of me!

These fuckers live three houses down from my parents. They have a compound-like area on the block, but there arent very many of them. With any luck, they will all die off soon. Anyway, we do successfully ignore them at home. And no one really pays any attention to them. Every now and then they send a letter to the

I read two pages of comments to make sure this has been quoted. Thank you.

So glad to see the bully go. I was afraid it would be a Natasha-Krissi showdown rather than Luca-Natasha. Love this show, but no one beats last year's winner.