
I always thought it sounds like "Hanging Around" by the Cardigans. 

Dan blows his patient away with his shotgun, propelling the hole-ridden corpse off the roof and onto the puddled streets below.

I agree shh, it's like I consider Anal Cunt a comedy band, even though I don't where the line between "shock" and "scumbag" is.

Jason Heller
The way you described Skrewdriver is down to a tee the way I feel about Anal Cunt!

Cheap Seats
Anybody else watch that show? It's like MSK3000 with Sklar brothers making fun of old sports. I swear I only know one other person who has even heard of it, let alone watch it.

Battle of the Blades
I guess technically this is an "adaptation" of the Canadian show "Battle of the Blades". Unsurprisingly it features a lot of ex NHL hockey players, which obviously goes over better in Canada than it would in the States.

There has been a rumored blues album with Jerry Cantrell "in works" since, I don't know, forever ago!

I'm pretty sure he wrote that for Roy Orbison, but Orbison never did it. He did however write "Life Fades Away", which Orbison did indeed do!

True enough!

Couldn't agree more.

You and Me (Less Than Zero)
It was only a one off for the Movie 'Less Than Zero', but in my opinion probably the best song he ever did, despite it's non-Danzigness, though in a lot of ways, it's all Danzig.

Look Alike?
Has anyone noticed he looks like Chuck Biscuits? Or at least he did, who knows what Biscuits looks like now?

Bread and Tulips
This idea was sort of touched upon on an Italian movie called "Bread and Tulips", where the husband is too cheap to hire a detective, so he hires a guy who reads a lot of crime novels to find his wife.

The 1776 - Boy Meets World connection
If somebody else posted this my apologies.

Rest in Peace Pete. People like you don't come around once in a lifetime, they come around once.

I heard that Zach Handlen
It's all about having a smoke after/during a movie when people smoke.

That's weird.
I was sure someone was in love with the girl at the record store.

I just can't stand how little Tarantino's characters tend to speak, and how often they are channeling his opinions. Admittedly I haven't seen all of his stuff (usually I don't even bother), though if I were to say I like any of his movies it would definitely be "Reservoir Dogs" or "Pulp Fiction", though the latter I

Thank you
Before I clicked on this link, my first thoughts were "Tarantino", "Garden State" and "Tim Burton", so thank you for verifying my opinion (at least to a certain degree anyways).

I couldn't agree more, especially when showing silent films to people who aren't necessarily "used to them" per se.