
I just wanto to watch "Honk if You're Horny" in peace!

Best Nilsson ever?
The sung closing credits of Skidoo.

I'll take Jm J. Bullock…
…for the thin.

Robot House? Pfft. Even Hillel has better parties.

Andrew Lloyd Webber
He's not the greatest composer of musical theatre, but from Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita to Starlight Express, Aspects of Love and Sunset Boulevard… sad. Naturally, I blame Don Black.

I've only ever seen clips from "Heaven's Gate," but even so, I can't help but think it got unjustly brutalized. What I've seen was so exqisitely filmed that I'm shocked it was dismissed as having no redeeming value.

I've frequently enjoyed the creamy middles of a few good men.

I'm with Kranix re: Cotten. And I think it's more difficult to judge actors on this sort of scale than musicans or directors, who actually contribute to the material itself. Everyone has been terrible in a terrible movie or two, and it's not always their fault.

either they're getting better at this or I am
I've heard of all but four of these people. That's a new record!

Maybe I missed it
Did Inside North Vietnam ever air?

Mmmmm…. pork and cookies….

well done
Good write-up, Nabes. Way to work in a Nashville reference.

fucking turnips
I prefer the beetabega.

repeat after me

Ah! I do remember that - thanks!

See ladies?
*That's* how you get back at Daddy.

Maybe it's because I watched the show before I was totally awake this morning, but I missed the suicide references. Little help?

$100 is also the amount that Fred MacMurray gave Shirley Maclaine for a Christmas gift in The Apartment.

we been warned
He says it in the trailer: "Ah, this is not good"

You're invading Canada tomorrow!