
Sean isn't a therapist, he's a professor. Will isn't a patient seeking help, he's mandated by the court to attend. So the "therapy" in GWH was non-traditional from the very outset.

"Ridicule is the only weapon that can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them."

Fuck! What is so hrd about ading a "delete" button? Some of us just can't get it right the first time around.

I'm with you Norm. Shawshank, while good, is overated. This is due mainly to the fact that King's bad guys are mustache-twirling cartoons. I also agree re Pulp Fiction, the Dark Knight, Kill Bill and some of the others you mention, but I have come to terms with the injustice of the IMDb Top 250. It's

The Foo Fighters:Nirvana=Big Audio Dynamite:The Clash.

The Foo Fighters are to Nirvana as Big Audio Dynamite was to The Clash.

"Tired of Sex" and "My Name is Jonas" are the only two songs that still get rotation on my iPod. They have the energy that was the best part of Weezer. I wish death on no one, but shit like "Beverly Hills" makes me reconsider.

I've seen stats that indicate the Xbox has had a +50% failure rate. I have a PS3. It failed at 16 months. The laser wouldn't read discs. I don't know if this is due to mechanical failure or dust, but it cost me $149 to fix. So now I have a PS3 that has cost me $548. That said, I'd probably buy the Slim if/when

Re camcorders: I complained to the manager about the film being out of focus, not knowing it was shot on tape. The letters in the opening credits were fuzzy and a lot of detail just wasn't there.

OK, so the only difference between a "real" religion and a "fake" religion is longevity? The idea of Xenu is absurd, but no less wacko than that of the resurrection myth.

I was a bit puzzled when her roles in Hudsucker, Mrs. Parker and Kansas City were described as "stylized". It's an accurate description, but that's certainly not the adjective I would have selected. "Cheese grater on the nipples" approaches my sentiment.

As I'm sure we all know, the Odessa Steps sequence has become shopworn because it best exemplifies the montage theory of Eisenstein. I've seen (some version of) the whole thing and, in short, I think it sucked.

Better late than never, but why not add my movie to the pile? Election is cute in places, but it's horrific on the whole. I've never had so much fun admiring a movie I could never bring myself to watch again. Perhaps it's not great, but it's characterizations and depiction of the downward spiral are dead

Better late than never, but why not add my movie to the pile? Election is cute in places, but it's horrific on the whole. I've never had so much fun admiring a movie I could never bring myself to watch again. Perhaps it's not great, but it's characterizations and depiction of the downward spiral are dead

Something's missing
Is it just me, or is something missing in their parties? Isn't the whole point of pole dancing to turn on *men*? What's the point of a bunch of women pole dancing with each other?

What an asshole.
I loved Jane's way back when. Then I saw what an asshole this guy is during their performance at Lolla 1. It was embarrassing. He was baiting the crowd, saying stupid shit like "The coast is the most", imitating Jim Morrison and playing the self-centered Rock Star role to the hilt. "What an