Rex Dart - Eskimo Spy

Let's dispel with the notion that the live audiences don't expect to see this. It's exactly what the live audiences expect to see.

The Invincible Maniac?

The Seether's Louise.

Flop House did it first

Re: the note: It was pretty much a standard note passed back and forth like you probably did yourself in high school, except someone (I'm not sure they even attempted to prove it was Adnan) had written "I'm going to kill" on it. That was the entire message; not even mentioning a name, just, somebody wants to kill

Whew. Crisis averted! That could have been some negative publicity otherwise!

I'm waiting for a press release from the Beyond© Corporation.

I certainly think we eventually have to get more info about both Jay and his girlfriend, because ultimately we can't understand the story if we don't understand their relationships to Adnan and Hae. I would not, however, expect a recent interview with Jay (although man, would that be a bombshell.) Would you agree to

I think June's basic point was the one made by podcast favorite Werner Herzog in "Grizzly Man" — that anthropomorphizing animals is (yes) dangerous. At worst, literally dangerous, if the animal is prone to attack humans, as grizzly bears can be. At best, "dangerous" in the sense that, because animal communication

Buzz off, kid!!!

So Paul Scheer and June Diane Raphael are having a kid, and thus I guess How Did This Get Made? is going monthly? With maybe some non-bad-movie stuff to fill in in between? Or something? I dunno, I have real trouble paying attention to those off-week episodes. ("Listen to this movie trailer!" Huh, it sounds like

Were you in the shit?

Will this be a back-door pilot for Ice-T's "Centaur Planet"?

That's what you get for not hailing to the chimp.

That's what you get for not hailing to the chimp.

Garry — may I call you Garry? — I thought there was nothing available in Tuscany.

Garry — may I call you Garry? — I thought there was nothing available in Tuscany.

This is where my tongue lives!

This is where my tongue lives!