
So does Giles

Buffy's "Band Candy" was pretty awesome.

I liked the "belly of the beast" line, which made me think of Angel and Co. in Season 5 of that show. As well, earlier in the episode there was a very obvious Verizon logo on a SHIELD com screen (or whatever), which seemed to equate SHIELD with any other major corporation (a la Blue Sun or Wolfram and Hart) and struck

Yes, obviously. I wonder if Talisa's reluctance to go with Robb to the Crag's maester is a sign that she is indeed Jeyne Westerling in disguise. That look she gave Robb seemed to suggest reluctance, so I question why she would be worried about going to the Crag if not for fear of being recognized.

Yes, obviously. I wonder if Talisa's reluctance to go with Robb to the Crag's maester is a sign that she is indeed Jeyne Westerling in disguise. That look she gave Robb seemed to suggest reluctance, so I question why she would be worried about going to the Crag if not for fear of being recognized.

Has it been revealed explicitly that Talisa is actually Jeyne Westerling? Or is Todd just referring to Talisa as Jeyne because that is who the actor was originally announced to play?

Has it been revealed explicitly that Talisa is actually Jeyne Westerling? Or is Todd just referring to Talisa as Jeyne because that is who the actor was originally announced to play?

I want the pit crew guy with the mustache's hair, but it would be mighty awkward to bring a picture of him to my barber.