
Merry Christmas to you to sir

When I was about 5-6 I walked in on my mom watching the original Alien movie. It petrified me to the extent that I still haven't been able to watch the film or any of its sequels 20 years later.
And from looking at this trailer for the new one, I won't be watching that either.
A for level of scary

Think his move set was changed when he was heel, since turning back to face its became a bit more entertaining.
Does need a new finisher though
His feud with HHH could be gold

Vince will use anything to up Reigns popularity.
Wouldn't be surprised if Roman became best friends with Y2J or joined the New Day next year.

First time for as long as I can remember I fast forwarded the main event of Raw.
I pressed play at the sight of Braun, who was a welcome sight in the now tedious Reigns/Rollins vs Owens/Y2J feud.
End Of The Line Sunday, Owens vs Reigns rematch at the next PPV.
Lazy writing

No Sausage Party?

Yeah I was totally expecting them to kiss too.
But was glad they didn't

You're reading the comments section in a film review.
What were you expecting to find

I've tried, but they haven't aged well

Man my eyes leaked at the end.
Seeing as I've only watched The Force Awakens and the film with Darth Maul and Jar Jar Binks my knowledge of the Star Wars universe is pretty basic, so I didn't expect fuxking everyone to die!
Popped for the ending though even though I'll never get round to watch the original 3 films which

Man my eyes leaked at the end.
Seeing as I've only watched The Force Awakens and the film with Darth Maul and Jar Jar Binks my knowledge of the Star Wars universe is pretty basic, so I didn't expect fuxking everyone to die!
Popped for the ending though even though I'll never get round to watch the original 3 films which

Talking Smack is constantly A+.
Loved the Alexa Bliss segment at the end, and not just because I have the biggest crush on her.
She's such a good talker
Renee and DB's chemistry is great hell even The Uso's were entertaining!
Love that show

I actually fell asleep during the Rusev Enzo and Cass segment. Rusev deserves so much better!
Saying that so does Cesaro…:and Owens…..and Zayn.
New Day still rock for me

I guess you could say that, but it's showing the potential change of the shows current dynamic and will have viewers coming back in Feb to see what goes on

Rick finally deciding that Maggie was right and they need to actually kill negan

55 minutes of people talking quietly and then a cliff hanger.
Hate this show.
Daryl and Negan rule though

This season has been so bad. Awful.
But yet, come Feb, I'll still be psyched to see how Rick and his group of idiots somehow dethrone Negan.

Wowwwww, lighten up
Great movie
Can't wait for the third

This looks amazing!!
Skipping the origins story and going straight to the kid who just wants to save the world.
Feels like Kick-Ass.
This along with Baywatch, Gurdians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 and Fast 8 among others, next summer you'll find me in the cinema

Literally the only person I've seen criticise the new Wyatt family music.
The way they opened Talking Smack was gold.
They can legit be MASSIVE