
It's so bizarre how little can happen in a 3 hour show.
Seth FINALLY called out HHH (I'm saying they meet at the rumble)
Charlotte and Sasha are having another match. Their rivalry is turning into the female version of Christian vs Randy Orton.
And Owens and Zayn had a great match. I've enjoyed the Owens Y2J BFF stuff,

Tbf I am looking forward to seeing the new Fast film.
They never cease to entertain

Sooooo why is Optimus Prime a villain?!
I can't even remember how the last film ended but surely it's time for this story to end right?!?

Negan takes a shine to Judith. That's probably not great.
So mid season finale ends with Negan not abducting Judith, but telling Rick he's taking her. And possibly coral too.
Rosita probably dies trying to kill Negan with that solitary bullet and I reckon daryl gets too scared to attempt to leave.
Thought this episode

Great show in my eyes.
Love Orton and Bray together, and the fact that Harper ate a gore shows tha they're all on the same page. They could legit be a force as strong as The Shield.
Carmella vs Nikki and Lynch vs Bliss weren't the best either pairing could do, but you could see how much it meant to Bliss on Talking

I've been playing computer games for 2 decades.
My first console was an Atari, then Super Nintendo, sega Mega-Drive and then the PlayStations came and went.

Strong first episode, but it's always so hard for me to not see Jack Bauer whenever Kiefer Sutherland is on my tv

Yeah this game LOOKS incredible, but the story already seems like it's too out there for me

Mannnn Sashas match with Charlotte was the best of their feud that's happened outside of NXT so far!
Great looking finish too.
Cesaro and Sheamus finally getting along is great.
Rollins and Y2J's brawl looked great.
Hell the cruiserweights looked great!
Colour me impressed

I love this show!!!!!
Going into the finale I can't see what's going to happen

Man, seeing the sea for the first time in TWD completely blew my mind!
But, how far is that from Alexandria??
Apart from that?
ANOTHER dead episode

I can't of been the only one who thought the PPV was awful?
Genuinely the worst I've witnessed since the year 2000, apart from maybe December to Dismember.
The women's match was a god awful mess.
The 10 man tag was needed way more time. Having the most dysfuctional team being last team standing?!
The cruiserweights are

Man I was gobsmacked Ziggler lost the IC belt! A match between him and Zayn would've been so fucking good!
Kalisto botching that move might cost him the belt Sunday, Oney Lorcan hits SUCH a vicious uppercut.
The women's brawl really got me amped up for their fight Sunday, for anyone watching Talking Smack, surprised how

Man I don't even care, after seeing the face off in Raw, I cannot wait for Lesnar vs Goldberg!
Also loved the face off that ended the show. So many potential dream matches

I liked this episode.
I love JDM as Negan! He plays it to perfection for me.
But I haven't read any of the graphic novels so I can't have an opinion right.
Loved the callback to Shane, I loved that dude.
Judith isn't a Grimes…cool

Man I'm so fucking glad I've finally finished this show! It just wasn't good!
Series 1 was good, series 7 was ok, everything inbetween was a fucking mess!

I thought this was a strong episode of Raw.
Yes, it's not a patch on Smackdown, but as recent Raws go this didn't drag too much,

Homeland died when Brody died.
Carrie is such an annoying creature to watch.
Intrigued as to where Quinn is though

I personally like the casting of JDM.
Intrigued as to how Daryl is gonna escape

Die Hard With A Vengeance will always be the best Die Hard for me