
It's up to around 40% but it seems to have stalled there. I'm sure it'll be back down again soon.

Yeah! Someone actually asked him about the origin of the title on his CuriousCat and he said it was from The Fall's shitty later era heh.

Thanks! I'll put the ones you recommend at the top of my list and dig in deeper later. I've already listened to This Nation's Saving Grace and "Bombast" and "Barmy" over and over a few times, to be honest. I'm mainly just wondering where is best to go from here.

Which The Fall albums should I listen to other than Hex Enduction Hour and This Nation's Saving Grace?

I'd be impressed by the diabolic creativity if I'm being honest.

Say what you will about Hitler but never did he grow great fangs and claws so he could tear grandma to shreds.

Uhh was he reading David Simon's Twitter feed?

I've been making my way through all of Tarantino's films. Yesterday, I re-watched Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained. Only The Hateful Eight is left now.

I haven't listened to it in a few years now but whenever I hear anything from it, I'm surprised at how well it holds up for me. This being in spite of the fact that the garage rock scene in the early-mid 00s as a whole grew tired and dated pretty fast.

Lol yes, exactly.

Agreed. It was really strange! I actually talked about it here at the time. She DM'ed me even lol.

Hamon drop out bitch

She's dumb as hell, man.

Yvette Nicole Brown once got mad at me for spoiling a Community casting announcement on her Twitter feed. I think me making fun of her for it, more recently, was why she blocked me.

That's the season I keep returning to the most since trying out the show.

With copious quantities of heroin?

I like that they're all gibberish

It's where me and Phil Greaves discuss our PizzaGate theories.

Yeah, that makes sense. And I jumped to conclusions about what you were saying and was unfair to you in doing so.

Also, it won't let me respond to SBT for some reason so I just want to say here, I have no fucking idea what Hyena is talking about suggesting I believe in P*zza G***. The link he tweeted doesn't work and I don't think I've ever tweeted about it, though I may have retweeted some leftist Twitter accounts making fun of