
Yes, I should have made an argument. I'm not defending how I chose to respond. I am arguing for how it should be classified but even then you say you weren't serious, so it doesn't matter.

If you had said you were just joking, I wouldn't argue with you. But you defended the position, so I took it seriously.

We've been able to have conversations before, when we disagree about this type of subject matter, so I don't see why we shouldn't be able to again in the future.

For some reason my response to the comment about the PG accusation says it's awaiting moderation. Weird.

For some reason my response to this comment didn't appear. I think it may be because Disqus censors a certain word.

For some reason my response to this comment didn't appear. I think it may be because Disqus censors a certain word.

The only purpose to posting that is it's an expression of cruelty founded upon moral superiority with the intent to cause a sting.

Also, I know too what it's like to be bullied. Not to the same extent as you, but nonetheless what I experienced felt a hell of a lot worse than being called a ghoul one time online.

It says Imgur is overloaded for me, but I have no fucking idea what he's talking about. I don't think I've ever tweeted about PizzaGate, so I assume it's a retweet of someone making a joke about it.

Then you would know that this is very different.

I think that very much trivializes the concept of bullying.

I hope you see my apology below.

I was too harsh but calling it bullying is a stretch.

No, I'm sorry. Narrator got it right and I needed to hear what he said. I let the frustration I was feeling get the better of me. You and I are friends here and we're in this environment as equals. It was unnecessary and uncalled for for me to resort to a personal attack. When I'm angry I find it difficult to express

You're right.

My comment was six words. Hardly a pile-on.

Fuck that.

I don't feel like being nice about these things.

If there's anything we should learn from the past 15 years of war is that these decisions have repercussions. They've begotten greater death, chaos, and destruction. And what makes this circumstance even more frightening is the complete and utter imbecile at the helm (not even Bush compares). It's not something to be

My feed is acting like this is the first time we've ever launched a missle.