I saw MegaUpload, and saw the guy with glasses in the picture, and for a split second, I thought he was Magnitude with a new rap persona.
I saw MegaUpload, and saw the guy with glasses in the picture, and for a split second, I thought he was Magnitude with a new rap persona.
Die Hard as a Christmas movie is overrated.
I hate all these artists and songs
And Jim "Jesus" Caveziel is in it too, as a young racist redneck boxer who's friends with Matt Frewer's weird looking kid.
this is going to set a dangerous precedent, and we will now be inundated with some terrible, terrible things on these internets.
It's no The Boatjacking of Supership '79, but it'll do
Andy is my new personal hero.
This song started out pretty innocent.
She's cute in the ads on the side, but some of the front on face make her look like she's in her mid 40s.
Temple of Doom and Gremlins were both PG, but they were the movies that forced the PG-13 creation.
I'm sorry, years of internet has made me sort of immune to these things, but are you being sarcastical?
Is there any sort of humanity type watchdog group that would prevent these sort of things happening in, ya know, real life?
Peanut butter, eggs and dice!
Dead Heat, Phantom, and Deep Rising are FUN!!!!
I'm so glad that he had as much fun making them as I did watching them.
When I was younger, I kinda liked Toys
Then a great burst of light appeared, and my 32 year old self emerged from it and proceeded to kick me in the nads, stating "Someday, you'll understand".
Definitely gains more on multiple viewings
Thought it was fine when I saw it in the theaters, but really grew to appreciate it when Showtime started showing it repeatedly.
LOGICAL by Supertramp
Any lyrics in the song drive me up a wall.
POP Goes My Heart!
From that silly Hugh Grant movie, but the song was surprisingly awesome.
THey're the ones I would want in my corner. Bishop, Whistler, Mother, Crease, Karl and Mary McDonnell.
Mazel Tov, Scott!