The Winchester

Do you happen to know if Sluzier even TRIED to get the original ending in the remake?
Or do you think it was a dealbreaker before he signed the contract? I've often wondered if he even bothered trying to get that ending in, or if footage of it exists.

Can only listen to an album of theirs once
Just once.

Disagree with you on one point, Persia: Showdown in Little Tokyo is a masterpiece. Truly, a tremendous film. But we do agree that Lee is a charming counterpart to Lundgren's stoicism, and compulsively watchable.

Brandon Lee would've done some awesome movies
And then he'd wind up in Expendables alongside Dolph, but still.

Yeah, that line delivery from Penny almost made up for the lame plot trope that's become increasingly frustrating on the show.

The ballet from Brain Donors
Would also love to see Stillwater in concert. Or visit to the theoretical fully operational Jurassic Park.


UTAH… Get me two!


Its cliche to use a Dark Knight line
And especially one by Ledger, but when Michael Jai White asks "You think you can come in here and steal all our money"* and Ledger simple response of "Yeah" is my favorite part of that movie.

It's actually a perfect blend of the two, and well worth picking up. I prefer it to Tender Buttons, and it has a less produced feel, but it's still chock full of good noise.

Braodcast HAHA Sound should be up there, too.
Didn't realize how awesome a year of music 2003 was, especially to my musical tastes and where they are now.

Wait, what's Jack White's contribution to Danger High Voltage?!?!?

They tried to distance themselves and call it standalone
So that fanboys wouldn't freak out when it turns out to be a PG-13 Alien movie.

Great job. Now we have to look at Morgan Spurlock's naked ad covered body.

Totally thought the headline was leading to the joke that it's 50 Cent's twitter feed.

Always find the Crue themselves more fascinating than their music
The Dirt is such a great book and paints such an awesome portrait of a bad ass band whose songs don't quite live up to the awesomeness portrayed.

I ate a big red candle.

s. darko script
…is surprisingly better than you would think, It attempts to expand upon the universe the first started, which most DTV sequels don't even try to do.

Yeah, nobody's gonna forget that he beat up Rhianna
She's hot. He's obviously got rage issues. Also, his songs aren't nearly as good.