The Winchester

I always yell that Rufio bit at concerts, to see who gets it.

No scene where he jerks off to the chick from Harry Potter?

What about Master Chef, from Halo?

They already have it over there.

Or does the douche from Dead Rising look like him?!?!

No Predators questions?!?!
Man held his own against the badassery of Brody.

Keep Garry Marshall in the same role!
He's amazing, and irreplaceable.

No letter grade?
How am I supposed to learn opinions?!?!

Yeah, I'm a little pissed that I had tickets to the last concert series that Meg cancelled out on.

Wilco: I am trying to break your heart
Although, they may have been dicks beforehand.

Better Than The Entirety of Kick Ass
Much oblige for sharing.

Carrot Top and Diggstown
Cannot for the life of me understand why I'm the only one that finds Carrot Top hilarious. He cracks me up.

Impressed with Raj's non-vebal communication in tha back of the car.
But yeah, for a show about geniuses, they've been acting pretty dumb a lot this season.

There's a little place where the sun sleeps late
and pours us all shots of tequila….

Sounds like that scene in Club Dread
Greatest scene in that movie by the way.

Peasant's Quest on HSR was my favorite.

I miss California Games!
Greatest game I ever had for my Apple IIe.

Thank you for recognizing this movie
Nobody ever remembers it, and it's one of the best movies I had ever seen. Full of beauty and grace and terrific performances. IT was the first time I ever saw Gary SInise in anything.

Hausmeister and Caribou
and a whole lotta Aphex Twin, courtesy of a friend who gave me a hard drive full of crazy music. Arpanet's on there too.

Cornell's Bond Theme
Was pretty rad.