The Winchester

It's the fuckin Catalina Wine Mixer!!

Lizard with a tutu
Pretty spectacular

Everyone says Inception, but PRESTIGE
…is the better film about film criticism.

Will he add video game footage?
That was the best part of House of the Dead. Wish he made it his trademark.

Tylenol Capsule Costume.
With holes cut in the eyes. Problem is, if you didn't see the tiny "Tylenol" label towards the mid-section, the costume kinda made me look like a Klans-man.

That's Quacktastic
Pure Gold.

Do You Promise
That the new content will not be used when you're feeling lazy, like the things that caucasions enjoy site/book?

Dafoe's Sack
Almost ot that image out of my mind a year ago. Thanks for putting it back.

Exactly, Cap don't Crack.
By Cap I mean Mr. Fillion.

These are terrific.
Makes me want to grow my mustache as thick and robust as that guy's.

Shutter Island
I had it spoiled by the SlashFilmCast. But it was because they prefaced the episode by saying they were going to spoil a whole lot of movies,including Fight CLub and High Tension (among other films).

One of Three movies I ever walked out on.
And I was getting paid to watch it, too. Not as a critic, I checked the prints at the movie theater before they were unleashed upon the public.

There's just one thing I don't understand
and that's every fucking word that was just said.

Whoa whoa whoa, the church of Cannon Films has even MORE fervid followers than Uwe Boll and Tommy WIseau COMBINED
And not in any sort of hipster "ironic" cult, either. Genuine film fans who loved their crappy movies, which were made with more heart and soul than anything Boll has ever or will ever do.

I Am Legend and Minority Report
Boy what a waste of an amazing first hour. Up until Will Smith stops being the only human being. (Also, why not have humans play the vampires? What's up with that CGI? Ridiculous).

That part with Lonnie rubbing lotion is brilliant.
I don't care, this movie has moments of brilliance. Anything that comes out of Chevalier's mouth is pure gold.

Any track, but mostly Thing in a Book.

Stallone validated in a film artistically?
Did you not see Rambo? The scene where he makes his own knife while talking about how God hates him?

It's the Fuckin Catalina Wine Mixer!
The man is brilliant. Thank you for this great article.

Is there less genital mutiliation in this project than in Antichrist?
Because if so, I'm not interested.