The Winchester

Nakatomi Plaza
The first time I visited LA, that was the only thing I wanted to see at all. Years later when I finally moved here, I got a job as a courier, and I got to deliver things to Nakatomi Plaza, and I was the happiest courier on Earth.

I drove from LA to…
…San Diego just to see Outlander because it wasn't playing anywhere near me and I desperately needed to see a movie where Jesus and Hellboy and vikings fight an alien. I think that should count.

my top 3
Incredibles- the scene when Dash is running away from the villains in the forest, and realizes he can run on water. Makes me so giddy, it's ridiculous.

Road Warrior
Any time it's on. And I usually have to call my dad during the last chase scene, but I take comfort in knowing he's watching it, too.