and the fact that he's not even american… he's english lol
and the fact that he's not even american… he's english lol
And the fact that he's actually english…
Nolan is english….
They should have kept more to the book, its completely different to the show. no stupid supernatural shit.
Ex Machina
Mad Max
Does anyone else really like Halloween 3?
And he was also a genius.
Yeah i agree. I read his book Survivor and it was really poor. Though the only novel of his i did like was Choke, haven't seen the film.
Heard Sea of Trees got booed
mad max 3.
I liked it too. Though the bit were he blew up the ship was pretty stupid and took me out of it. Who doesn't like a revenge film.
Keep It Like A Secret is a great album.
The first two seasons were great but the last two have been terrible. The only good bit about Freak Show was the clown and the serial killer boy.
It's really good. Came out quite a while ago in the UK. Probably my favourite film of the year so far.
Spoons over Sufjan Stevens and the Stokes?
Another average overrated revenge film, great
The Guardians 50 of the decade was great. You guys should check it out.
He's a terrible writer.
Ummm ghosts do not exist and neither does god.
Do we have any evidence that he wasn't white?…. Cause we don't have any evidence at all.