
I managed to see Lost River at SXSW and loved it. It's very Lynch and Malick-esk. It reminded me of the bleakness that Dead Man's Shoes had.

We Have The Facts And We're Voting Yes has to be my favourite album of theirs. I think Transatlanticism was the last album by them i really liked. No Room In Frame is a pretty good song though.

I'm not religious at all but i love his music so much. This album really is brilliant.

As much as i like Finisher, I wish he'd leave Utopia alone. The British version is a masterpiece.

well if they want a boring and unoriginal soundtrack then Oasis is the band to call.

Me too, the original l cast was great

bring back Clarkson!

Love Eyes Wide Shut. Probably my favourite Kubrick film.

I love Birth too. Brilliant film


Saw it a couple of weeks ago and it hasn't left my head since. It's a modern classic