
Erm… While you're correct (no schools in England minor or major) we understand your vernacular enough to be able to use it. We do, for example, still refer to 'knocking something out of the park' or 'striking out'. We're remarkably modern over here don't you know.

I think part of the blame for her post-VM likeability has to come down to the roles she's been given. She seems to have fallen into generic 'hot-girl roles' and often they're not the most well-rounded acting jobs around.

In fairness they weren't too bad this week. They didn't arrest any innocent people, the sister's husband had at least blackmailed them.

Interestingly I'd say that the use of music in the film while, obviously, not true to medieval music is an accurate depiction of the atmosphere chronicled at jousts.

I've taken to watching under the theory that they've been hooking up for at lead the last three years (a la Community) and that it's such common knowledge around the precinct that no one feels the need to talk about it any more.

I don't want to say "I told you so" but I clearly remember mentioning last week that the CIA lot seemed slightly moustache twirling, so I was kinda expecting at least someone in that room to be a wrong'un.

Possibly felt a little close to home for me to enjoy this one as much as it deserved. Reminded me of the day I went to a stand up gig where they made jokes about the stresses of being a freelancer, working from home and living alone. Was really waiting for the next act to build me back up again…

I agree he turned up pretty abruptly, but given the set up of the season - Veronica goes to college, it sort of made sense to me. Certainly when I went to university I became close friends with the other people in the flat VERY quickly.

I must be unusual in the fact that I have nothing against Piz. In fact I like him - He's like a big bouncy labrador. I once dreamt I was roommates with Piz and Wallace, it was one of the more disappointing jolts back to reality after a dream world.

Is it only me who thought the 'CIA' people seemed incredibly dodgy? Like they're a set up to get Castle helping them, but they're, in fact, the evil ones?

I'm pretty sure this would have been a bad episode aired in its correct place in the season. By moving it so far out of order it becomes a truly awful piece of television. Muddled, nonsensical and unnecessary.

I know for a fact my Dad used to have the same towel theory. Apparently it's a thing!

Being British I'm not entirely sure what 'pay cable' is, but this airs on a free channel with no subscription needed.