
It's suitable that Chevy's last words in the show were "Did I sound a bit gay at the end there?". I don't care if he's not a nice man behind-the-scenes, I think he's funny and was often very good on the show.

On Jay Mohr's podcast, both Jeselnik and Mohr are very complimentary of Tosh as a stand-up. Shame that Tosh's fanbase has given people an impression of Tosh himself.

Jeselnik has praised Tosh as a comedian, but yeah he's heavily suggested that Tosh's audience are of a much lower intellect. Tosh himself isn't stupid, but his show definitely is at times which is what brought in the audience.

Not knocking the show or anything, because I loved it. But I'd say the reason for the first season's high ratings was because it came on straight after Tosh. Brickleberry has been given a third season, which is most likely because the first two seasons have aired straight after Tosh.0

I squirmed when the rat was crawling on Dee's hand. I felt her disgust.

They're making Dennis more and more psychotic. I'm anticipating some sort of "Scott Tenorman Must Die" storyline for Dennis in the near future.

Dee as the butler made me laugh despicably hard.

*blank expression* that was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Dee's poor comedic timing and Angry Mac were my favourite parts of this.

Urgh, what a sad state we live in where liking Andy Samberg's schtick has to prefixed with "fine I'll say it…"

This show is doing nothing to help my intense crush on Chelsea Peretti. There will be Gina posters in my room soon for sure.

There's something about Breaking Bad that causes people on the internet to experience extreme hyperbole.

"But maybe our generation, or this generation of actors, just isn’t much into roasts anymore. "

Don't forget the cake-stuffing, 8 year old "Comedy Central executive" declaring the monologue: "dark for the sake of being dark"

"Under Carey’s reign, Whose Line had a very shaggy feel to the proceedings, with episodes not so much edited as slapped together. That approach lent an air of spontaneity in many cases, but also produced episodes that often sagged with self-importance. The new version trims that excess and produces clean, sharp,

I guess being angry on the internet hasn't thinned these guys wallets out. Go figure.

I was gonna ask when the backlash for this guy was gonna start, but it looks like y'all are way ahead of me.

Paul Mooney states that Pryor hated Chase. So, there's a fun thing to know.

like Tosh.0, which Jeselnik takes several spot-on shots at during this episode
What are these shots? I only caught him mentioning that "panel" wouldn't work with Tosh, or Kroll or Key & Peele. What else was said? I like it when comics take jabs at each other.