
Yeah, I find him almost unsufferable in interviews.  The gaseous ego vibes are little suffocating.   I guess the singing will be cool.

Yeah, I find him almost unsufferable in interviews.  The gaseous ego vibes are little suffocating.   I guess the singing will be cool.

Just came from seeing it (LOVED it, btw).  The prosthetics didn't bother me, but it looks like he's wearing lipstick- he's lips seemed weirdly dark.  That was a little distracting.  And his eyebrows were a little weird.

Just came from seeing it (LOVED it, btw).  The prosthetics didn't bother me, but it looks like he's wearing lipstick- he's lips seemed weirdly dark.  That was a little distracting.  And his eyebrows were a little weird.

Ooh, I hope it's a Magical Black Man with voodoo wisdom and a vest!

Ooh, I hope it's a Magical Black Man with voodoo wisdom and a vest!

"…that vague, sinking feeling that the world is passing you by"

"…that vague, sinking feeling that the world is passing you by"

My dad's gonna be PISSED he killed off Posey.  I'll hear about this all weekend.

My dad's gonna be PISSED he killed off Posey.  I'll hear about this all weekend.

Everybody on my Facebook was buying this yesterday.  I'm currently weary of harmonies and banjos, but that's just me.

Everybody on my Facebook was buying this yesterday.  I'm currently weary of harmonies and banjos, but that's just me.

Go find her Taylor Dane story-might be up on youtube.  It's hilarious.

Go find her Taylor Dane story-might be up on youtube.  It's hilarious.

Maggie Smith has a secret set of Snarky Wisened Aristocratic Broad contacts in thespian's trunk.  Less scowl, more smirk.

Maggie Smith has a secret set of Snarky Wisened Aristocratic Broad contacts in thespian's trunk.  Less scowl, more smirk.

Yeah, I mean I love me some Dowager Countess but Hendriks batted it out of the park.  How 'bout that bar scene with Hamm, huh?  Huh?!

Yeah, I mean I love me some Dowager Countess but Hendriks batted it out of the park.  How 'bout that bar scene with Hamm, huh?  Huh?!

It's insane that Mad Men's never won anything for acting.  On the other hand, Louis C.K. just won two.  So I'll call it a draw.

It's insane that Mad Men's never won anything for acting.  On the other hand, Louis C.K. just won two.  So I'll call it a draw.