
Well, Darrell (sp?) on Walking Dead (I think it was Darrell) held up a bag of drugs/meds on Walking Dead in one episode and there some stuff in there that definitely looked like Blue Sky.  It was much discussed.  So that's sort of a crossover.  Also I'm pretty sure there were a few walkers at the Pinkman House Party

Well, Darrell (sp?) on Walking Dead (I think it was Darrell) held up a bag of drugs/meds on Walking Dead in one episode and there some stuff in there that definitely looked like Blue Sky.  It was much discussed.  So that's sort of a crossover.  Also I'm pretty sure there were a few walkers at the Pinkman House Party

Also, Aaron Paul's inerview with Nerdist is up.  Why isn't it July yet?!

Also, Aaron Paul's inerview with Nerdist is up.  Why isn't it July yet?!

Yeah, I'd love to hear Harmon on his show again. 
I was way too excited when Maron tweeted he was doing Louie.  I've been waiting for that.  I just hope he has a bigger part than say, Todd Glass (who has shown up twice almost just in the background).  I hope it's a good solid scene or two. 
As far as dramatic WTFs,

Yeah, I'd love to hear Harmon on his show again. 
I was way too excited when Maron tweeted he was doing Louie.  I've been waiting for that.  I just hope he has a bigger part than say, Todd Glass (who has shown up twice almost just in the background).  I hope it's a good solid scene or two. 
As far as dramatic WTFs,

The white guys suffer plenty, what with their constant causeless existential despair. 

The white guys suffer plenty, what with their constant causeless existential despair. 

Correction: "grimy little pimp"

Correction: "grimy little pimp"

Totally agree with you.  I was reminded of Requiem for a Dream too.  Maybe just because there was a montage involving a woman's downward spiral into sexual degradation.  The "let's see them" line was actually stomach turning.

Totally agree with you.  I was reminded of Requiem for a Dream too.  Maybe just because there was a montage involving a woman's downward spiral into sexual degradation.  The "let's see them" line was actually stomach turning.

Binging on Breaking Bad is why dvds and Netflix Instant exist.  If you watch on dvd, try not to look at the menu, there are spoilers (at least for season 3 there are).

Binging on Breaking Bad is why dvds and Netflix Instant exist.  If you watch on dvd, try not to look at the menu, there are spoilers (at least for season 3 there are).

Somebody probably mentioned this already, but Harry giving Kinsey the money (recalling Don giving his brother, Adam, money way back when and telling him to start a new life) and saying something along the lines of, 'leave all this behind, start a new life…" I wish I had the exact quote because it totally echoed Don

Somebody probably mentioned this already, but Harry giving Kinsey the money (recalling Don giving his brother, Adam, money way back when and telling him to start a new life) and saying something along the lines of, 'leave all this behind, start a new life…" I wish I had the exact quote because it totally echoed Don

Well, if videos weren't blocked at work, I'd watching the shit out of this right now.  Yeah yeah, Dark Knight rises will be fun.  My 2012's all about this and Django.

Well, if videos weren't blocked at work, I'd watching the shit out of this right now.  Yeah yeah, Dark Knight rises will be fun.  My 2012's all about this and Django.

Well, going by his tweets, I think Harmon lives in my neighborhood and he's got some free time now. So maybe I will go out Friday nights!  Not that I'll be dressed as Inspector Spacetime or anything…

Well, going by his tweets, I think Harmon lives in my neighborhood and he's got some free time now. So maybe I will go out Friday nights!  Not that I'll be dressed as Inspector Spacetime or anything…