@marksok Technically the most famous song of all time is "Happy Birthday to You."
@marksok Technically the most famous song of all time is "Happy Birthday to You."
According to Wikipedia, Madonna is the best selling/known pop musician worldwide (who is currently alive.) There are Nomadic people living in yurts in China who know who know the name Madonna (if not the music and face of Madonna.)
Why is it that I like a show better before I read an AV Club review than after? TBBT put out an average episode with the requisite two or three chuckles that kept me sitting on the couch for 22 minutes. Better than a sharp stick in the eye, so why all the fuss?
"hit a wounded animal with a shovel until it stops moving." I'm pretty sure that's how Two and a Half Men will end…
You must be doing it wrong…
A fantastic episode, through and through (and a good review to boot.)
Your "then versus now" description of Peter works just as well for Homer Simpson. And now that I think about it, applies to just about every TV dad over the course of eight plus seasons.
and yet Terry Farrell only appeared for four six seasons of Becker.
Phil can't be in his mid 30's… Assuing he was not a child genius and completed high school early, Phil would likely have completed completed college (Go Bulldogs) at or around 22.
"Hello… Hello… I've got a message for you… and you're not going to like it. PRAY FOR DEATH."
Paranormal Activity wins, hands down. Footprints in flour were indeed scary; but when Katie was pulled out of bed, dragged into the hall, and had her leg bit by who knows what OHHELLNO!!! Then watching the videotape of her standing over Micah as he lay sleeping for 4 hours, that scene put me over the edge. And let's…
"Though they apparently couldn’t be bothered to pony up the cash to reanimate the TV-watching interstitials."
I haven't read the graphic novels, but I see this thing ending in one of two ways. Either the zombie strain is going to mutate and all animals will be infected making it much easier for the main characters to die, or all the zombies will rot away to nothing in like 180 days (6 months of exposure to the weather should…
Don't forget Good Morning Vietnam. That movie is Robin Williams' crowning achievement. It is the perfect balance of humor and drama.
Or the Candyland movie, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Isn't that what reality television is for? To grow to like "characters" less and less.
You don't need to drink from the vampire directly to be healed. Last season Russell told Debbie at her Nazi werewolf pack intiation that she couldn't drink the shot glass of his blood because it would heal the brand on her shoulder. More to the point, you'd think that Nan Flanagan would have had vampires working in…
Picard isn't fully recovered after "Family". That episode only highlighted his first step in recovery. His breakdown in this movie revealed his complex coping mechanism—the belief that saving the Enterprise will make up for his past failings. Lilly reminds him, however, that victory at all costs is the only option.
I wasn't alive at the time, but I doubt people were nostalgic for the Great Depression (1929 - late 1930s) in the 1950s. It's pretty unlikely future 30-somethings will have any nostalgia for the 2008-2019. Especially since pop culture creativity is at an all-time low. (Mostly just reality shows and recycled crap from…
I'm going to side with Cookie Monster on this. "(R) is for Republican, a sometimes President".