AM Hollitz

'Phillip Chbeeb’s ass is all up in Nigel’s face during the Step Up routine, his way of saying “Fuck you for giving me Russian folk dance.”'

'Phillip Chbeeb’s ass is all up in Nigel’s face during the Step Up routine, his way of saying “Fuck you for giving me Russian folk dance.”'

Technically The Newsroom's philosophy is NPR's/PBS's philosophy. They serve the public interest by serving up facts. So, when was the last time you were ENTERTAINED by a PBS or NPR news report?

Technically The Newsroom's philosophy is NPR's/PBS's philosophy. They serve the public interest by serving up facts. So, when was the last time you were ENTERTAINED by a PBS or NPR news report?

Sorkin's lecturing about the news media letting down the electorate seems kinda' pointless. Jon Stewart already addressed this controversy as it was/is going on.

Sorkin's lecturing about the news media letting down the electorate seems kinda' pointless. Jon Stewart already addressed this controversy as it was/is going on.

I feel the secret to Marvel Animation's success lies with Peter Yost, Avengers EMH director. He was a writer for an equally excellent Fantastic Four series in the mid 2000s. as well as Iron Man: Armored Adventures. As much as I didn't care for the CGI in Iron Man, both series and Avengers have top-notch writing, even

I feel the secret to Marvel Animation's success lies with Peter Yost, Avengers EMH director. He was a writer for an equally excellent Fantastic Four series in the mid 2000s. as well as Iron Man: Armored Adventures. As much as I didn't care for the CGI in Iron Man, both series and Avengers have top-notch writing, even

It's a reference back to the Teen Titans cartoon. BlackFire, posing as the Tamaranian Grand Ruler, tries to trick StarFire into marrying an octopus-like alien thingy named Glurdleslecch (sp?), to bring peace between their two worlds. Toward the end the the episode, BlackFire's plan is foiled and she is to become

This article repeats the same things over and over: Cheers was successful, MASH was successful, Moonlighting was not successful. Community may or may not be succesful.  You could easily eliminate three paragraphs of text.

This article repeats the same things over and over: Cheers was successful, MASH was successful, Moonlighting was not successful. Community may or may not be succesful.  You could easily eliminate three paragraphs of text.

Brings new meaning to the phrase, "Smoke 'em if you got 'em."

Anyone else think this guy looks like Will Ferrel pretending to be a Disney executive?

Chrisotpher Reeve's Superman was first to stick, then Michael Keaton's Batman, then Hugh Jackman's X-Men, then Tobey Maguire's Spiderman, then Robert Downey, Jr.'s Ironman… The truth is a comic book franchise is really only good for 2 movies. Anything beyond 2 is just a shameless money grab… I'm fully prepared for

Marvels' baddies are much bigger than DC's: Phoenix, Galactus, Apokolips, Thanos—they're much more threatening in the grand scheme of things.

Anyone else think the  anti-bending movement was born 70 years ago, and perpetuated by the great grandchild of a certain downtrodden cabbage farmer/seller?

I think you all missed the point. Pop Culture isn't supposed to be obscure. It's POPular. Otherwise it's just avant garde, indie bullshit that never made it to POP status.

I also like the Thundercats reboot, but the voice acting on that show is jarring, especially for Jackalman and Monkian. In the original series, Larry Kenney and Peter Newman were soooo good, I find it hard to hear any other interpretation.

To be fair, it's really twenty-four episodes at 10 minutes a piece, so really the equivalent of 12 episodes. Besides, I think the style is really a fusion of Western Doodle-style (think Captain Underpants) which appeals to pre-teen boys, crossed with Japanese Kawaii-style elements appealing to pre-teen girls. And top

For future reference, I'd try to steer clear of saying that James Cameron could have BOUGHT Neil DeGrasse Tyson.